Friday, March 4, 2011

The Third Assignment

Man Off The Moon, Kimber Bowman (2011).

The image is framed to show the amazing silver boots and the parts of the background for context. The natural lighting and bright colors and contras, give this image a great sense of the urban landscape.
I wanted to showcase this pair of boot, while simultaneously giving information about the location as well.
I spotted a woman walking around in these amazing silver boots and followed her around until I got the shot I wanted. I don’t think she suspected anything.
I think this image speaks a lot about the area I was in. Royal Oak, MI is full of characters in crazy clothes. I felt that this image was very reflective of the location as a whole. 

 Bauble, Kimber Bowman (2011).
The black of the stripes on the awning contrasts with the white of the sky. Heavy emphasis is put on the swinging bulbs. The framing creates a symmetrical image with a line going right down the center.
I wanted to capture the baubles moving against the overcast day. I thought the red would show up very nicely against the sky.
This image was taken with a ¼ shutter speed, looking up into the sky.
I watched 500 Days of Summer and one of the main characters talked about how things around you can look so basic, until you up. I tried to apply that philosophy to this image. 

Heroes, Kimber Bowman (2011).
The shadows around the mask are heavily contrasted with stark white wall. The diffuse lighting also adds great emphasis and definition to the subject.
This image is a reflection of my childhood heroes. Although they’re just masks, the image is very nostalgic of the ager of superheroes.
I took this image looking up at the wall. Later I digitally boosted the contrast to accentuate the shadows.
The motivation behind this image was to capture parts of an art exhibit, but I ended up capturing a part of my childhood. 
 Winter Flower, Kimber Bowman (2011)
Emphasis is put of the collection of flowers in the front. The image is framed to show just a hint of what is in the background. The delicateness of the flowers blends well with the softness of the background.
I wanted to take a picture of the flowers because it’s rare to see flowers in the winter.
I did several close up shots of the flowers, playing with different levels of focus.
The motivation was to capture the beauty and delicateness of the flower.

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