Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The First Assignment Part 2

The class interpreted the subject as being deep in thought. They liked the darkness of the folds in the jacket and the rough edge to the photograph itself.

Based on the class critique, it seems that the class enjoyed the bits of contrast within the image and the personal feeling created. One student expressed that they would have like to see the person's entire face, stating that losing part of the person's face puts more emphasis on the clothes and location.

I would be interested in shooting a series of candid images of strangers in urban areas. I enjoy capturing the true nature of people.

The class immediately knew that the image was a guitar. One person said that the image looked almost like a ladder or a stairway.

The jury was split on this image. Some students enjoyed the delicateness of the strings and the sharp contrast. Some students thought the contrast was too sharp. Others like the way the neck of the guitar led to the light, while some students felt that the image would have been better with out the light from the window.

I would like to create a series of images that show ordinary objects in obscure of abstract ways.

The class interpreted this image as very modern, urban and upbeat. They felt that this image was the highlight of the three images presented.

The class loved the contrast in this image, especially in the graffiti. They also liked the motion created by the legs as compared to the stillness of the back ground.

I would love to do a series of graffiti photographs. I know that graffiti is a common subject, but there is a lot of beautiful artwork around campus to capture.

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